Wednesday, October 11, 2023

aimlux family of systems


By 2024,

Open Data fabric deployments will quadruple efficiency

in data utilization, while cutting human-driven data

management tasks in half, reducing costs.

AIMLUX: Will connect you to a family of solutions

Data Science / Systems Integration / Security


Equitus’ OPEN FABRIC technology blurs the line between disparate data and real-world actions to produce ultra-relevant insights. It isn’t just about data unification; it’s about creating a realm where every data bit communicates, collaborates, and converges, we call it: Knowledge Unification.


Enterprise Networks: DATA ORGANIZATION

Knowledge Unification: Integration Process

Open Fabric: Enterprise Systems Integration

1.     Common Procedures:

2.     Contacting Vendors

3.     Process Mining

4.     Network and Cloud Map

5.     Use Case

6.     Deployment Schedule

7.     Service Agreement

8.     Maintenance

9.     Training

10.        Proof of Value

Designed for your operations, Equitus includes state-of-the-art tools and application suites designed for each type of intelligence activity, while still being able to continue building your organization’s knowledge base.


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